I played the previous version too...
And I didn't even bother to write a review. But now that I see this will pass judgement I will explain to you why I think this game is not good at all.
At first the game is something that has been overdone. I won't say that this will directly harm your score, but you did not add new features to this old concept so it is kind of useless. Now I will explain my other reasons why I think this game shouldn't have a score above 2.
- The graphics are bad. It looks like you rushed into drawing some stuff just because you were too lazy to spend more time on it.
- The sounds are not very good either, just some plain sounds... nothing more.
- The bullet that comes out of your cannon is just a tween inside the same moveclip as your cannon!! It even looks like the bullet is made frame by frame! I mean if I button bash my left mouse button the bullet movieclip repeats itself and not even one bullet will be shot into the air for real! But there is more... if I single press the left mouse button and move my cannon, the bullets angle will move along with the cannon which is the proof that your bullet is indeed just a tween (or fbf) into the same movie clip.
- Your cannon can only move in 10 different angles instead of just moving precisely along with your crosshair.
- The game is pointless and too repetitive. There is no story, there are no clear objectives, not anything that makes me want to play this for more than one minute.
Im sorry for being so harsh but you should really use more mathematics and programming.
Put your bullets in an array and use mathematics like Math.cos, Math.sin and Math.atan2 to calculate their paths.
Keep practising and good luck wih your further submissions...